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LoL Patch 14.9 Buffs, Nerfs, and the Meta Shift

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Patch 14.9 Overview: Lol Patch 14 9 Buffs Nerfs

Patch 14.9 in League of Legends brings a wave of adjustments, primarily focused on refining the current meta and addressing champion balance issues. The patch aims to create a more diverse and exciting gameplay experience by empowering certain champions and toning down others.

Champion Adjustments

Patch 14.9 introduces significant changes to various champions, aiming to rebalance their power levels and influence on the game. These adjustments involve both buffs and nerfs, impacting various roles and playstyles.


  • Amumu: Amumu receives buffs to his Q – Bandage Toss and E – Tantrum, aiming to increase his early game aggression and ganking potential.
  • Aatrox: Aatrox benefits from buffs to his Q – The Darkin Blade and E – Umbral Dash, enhancing his ability to engage and duel in the early game.
  • Rengar: Rengar’s Q – Savagery is buffed, increasing its damage output and making him a more formidable threat in skirmishes and ganks.
  • Gwen: Gwen’s W – Hallowed Mist is buffed, improving its ability to shield her and allies, making her more resilient in teamfights.


  • Zeri: Zeri’s base attack damage and Q – Burst Fire are nerfed, reducing her early game burst damage and making her less oppressive in lane.
  • Master Yi: Master Yi’s base health and Q – Alpha Strike damage are nerfed, making him less durable and reducing his burst damage potential.
  • Yone: Yone’s W – Spirit Cleave damage is nerfed, decreasing his ability to clear waves quickly and making him less effective in lane.
  • Viego: Viego’s R – Heartbreaker damage is nerfed, making him less effective at bursting down targets and reducing his overall threat in teamfights.

Item Adjustments

Patch 14.9 includes adjustments to several items, aiming to influence item build paths and strategies.


  • Essence Reaver: Essence Reaver’s cooldown reduction is increased, making it a more attractive option for champions who rely on frequent spell casting.
  • Serylda’s Grudge: Serylda’s Grudge receives a buff to its armor penetration, making it more effective against tanky targets.


  • Divine Sunderer: Divine Sunderer’s base health is nerfed, making it less attractive for champions who rely on its tankiness.
  • Frostfire Gauntlet: Frostfire Gauntlet’s slow duration is nerfed, making it less effective at controlling the flow of teamfights.

Champion Buffs

Riot Games has made a number of adjustments to champions in Patch 14.9, aiming to improve their performance and make them more viable in different game modes. These changes range from small tweaks to more substantial reworks, and they could have a significant impact on the meta.

Champion Buff Details

This patch focuses on buffing champions that were struggling to find their place in the current meta. These buffs aim to enhance their overall effectiveness, making them more appealing to players and potentially influencing team compositions and strategies.

  • Aatrox: Aatrox received a significant buff to his passive, making him more durable in the early game. This should allow him to sustain in lane more effectively and transition into the mid-game with more power. The buff also provides him with a stronger presence in team fights, allowing him to engage more aggressively and contribute to his team’s success.
  • Amumu: Amumu’s ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, now deals more damage at all ranks. This buff makes Amumu more threatening in team fights, allowing him to secure kills more easily and control the flow of the fight. Additionally, the increased damage makes Amumu more valuable in team compositions that rely on burst damage.
  • Dr. Mundo: Dr. Mundo’s W, Infected Cleaver, now has a shorter cooldown at early levels. This buff makes Dr. Mundo more aggressive in lane, allowing him to harass his opponent and secure farm more effectively. The reduced cooldown also allows him to engage in fights more frequently, making him a more formidable opponent.
  • Garen: Garen’s Q, Decisive Strike, now deals more damage at early levels. This buff makes Garen more effective in lane, allowing him to bully his opponent and secure farm more easily. The increased damage also makes Garen more threatening in skirmishes and team fights, giving him a stronger presence in the early game.
  • Kled: Kled’s passive, Skaarl, now grants him more bonus armor and magic resistance when he is mounted. This buff makes Kled more durable in lane and team fights, allowing him to engage more aggressively and withstand enemy damage more effectively. The increased survivability also makes Kled a more reliable duelist and a more valuable asset in team fights.
  • Nasus: Nasus’s Q, Siphoning Strike, now deals more damage at early levels. This buff makes Nasus more effective in lane, allowing him to bully his opponent and secure farm more easily. The increased damage also makes Nasus more threatening in skirmishes and team fights, giving him a stronger presence in the early game.
  • Nocturne: Nocturne’s ultimate, Paranoia, now has a shorter cooldown at early levels. This buff makes Nocturne more effective at ganking and roaming, allowing him to exert pressure on other lanes and secure objectives more easily. The reduced cooldown also makes Nocturne more threatening in team fights, giving him more opportunities to isolate targets and secure kills.
  • Renekton: Renekton’s W, Slice and Dice, now deals more damage at early levels. This buff makes Renekton more effective in lane, allowing him to bully his opponent and secure farm more easily. The increased damage also makes Renekton more threatening in skirmishes and team fights, giving him a stronger presence in the early game.
  • Sejuani: Sejuani’s W, Winter’s Wrath, now deals more damage at early levels. This buff makes Sejuani more effective in lane, allowing her to bully her opponent and secure farm more easily. The increased damage also makes Sejuani more threatening in skirmishes and team fights, giving her a stronger presence in the early game.
  • Shen: Shen’s W, Spirit’s Refuge, now has a shorter cooldown at early levels. This buff makes Shen more effective at engaging in fights and protecting his allies. The reduced cooldown also makes Shen more reliable in team fights, allowing him to use his W more frequently to disrupt enemy attacks and protect his carries.
  • Sion: Sion’s W, Decimating Smash, now deals more damage at early levels. This buff makes Sion more effective in lane, allowing him to bully his opponent and secure farm more easily. The increased damage also makes Sion more threatening in skirmishes and team fights, giving him a stronger presence in the early game.
  • Vayne: Vayne’s passive, Night Hunter, now grants her more bonus attack damage at early levels. This buff makes Vayne more effective in lane, allowing her to bully her opponent and secure farm more easily. The increased damage also makes Vayne more threatening in skirmishes and team fights, giving her a stronger presence in the early game.

These buffs are likely to have a significant impact on the meta, potentially leading to new strategies and team compositions. It will be interesting to see how these champions perform in the coming weeks and how players adapt to these changes.

Champion Nerfs

Patch 14.9 saw several champions receive nerfs, aimed at balancing the game and preventing them from dominating the meta. These adjustments were made to address champions that were deemed too strong or overpowered in their current state. The changes focus on reducing their overall effectiveness and making them less oppressive in lane or team fights.

Reasons for Champion Nerfs

The nerfs implemented in Patch 14.9 were designed to address champions that were considered overpowered and had a significant impact on the meta. These champions were either too dominant in lane, had strong team fight presence, or possessed abilities that were too difficult to counter. By nerfing these champions, Riot Games aimed to create a more balanced and diverse meta, allowing for a wider range of champions to be viable and enjoyable to play.

Champion Nerf Details

  • Aatrox:

    • Base health growth reduced: This nerf aims to reduce Aatrox’s early game sustain and make him more vulnerable to early aggression.
    • W – Umbral Dash cooldown increased: The increased cooldown on Aatrox’s W makes it harder for him to engage or disengage in fights, reducing his mobility and ability to escape dangerous situations.
  • Bel’Veth:

    • Q – Empress’s Strikes damage reduced: This nerf reduces Bel’Veth’s early game damage output, making her less oppressive in lane and giving opponents a better chance to survive her early aggression.
    • R – Final Hour damage reduced: This nerf aims to reduce Bel’Veth’s late-game team fight presence and make her ultimate less dominant.
  • Gwen:

    • Q – Hallowed Mist base damage reduced: This nerf reduces Gwen’s early game damage output, making her less oppressive in lane and giving opponents a better chance to survive her early aggression.
    • E – Needlework damage reduced: This nerf reduces Gwen’s burst damage potential, making her less threatening in team fights.
  • Renata Glasc:

    • Passive – Chemical Combustion damage reduced: This nerf reduces Renata Glasc’s early game damage output, making her less oppressive in lane and giving opponents a better chance to survive her early aggression.
    • E – Bailout slow reduced: This nerf reduces Renata Glasc’s ability to control team fights, making it easier for enemies to escape her clutches.
  • Rell:

    • Q – Ferromancy: Crash cooldown increased: This nerf reduces Rell’s ability to engage or disengage in fights, making her less mobile and more vulnerable to enemy attacks.
    • W – Iron Will shield reduced: This nerf reduces Rell’s survivability and makes her more susceptible to damage in fights.
  • Sylas:

    • Q – Kingslayer base damage reduced: This nerf reduces Sylas’s early game damage output, making him less oppressive in lane and giving opponents a better chance to survive his early aggression.
    • E – Abscond & Deliver cooldown increased: This nerf reduces Sylas’s ability to engage or disengage in fights, making him less mobile and more vulnerable to enemy attacks.

Item Changes

Patch 14.9 brings a few changes to the item landscape, aiming to adjust the power of certain items and their impact on the game. Some items receive buffs to make them more viable, while others are nerfed to reduce their dominance.

Item Buffs

These buffs aim to increase the viability of these items and provide more options for champions who can utilize them effectively.

  • Essence Reaver: The passive ability now grants 20% bonus attack speed at max stacks, up from 15%. This buff aims to make Essence Reaver more appealing to champions who can consistently stack its passive, such as hyper scaling ADCs like Jinx and Vayne. The increased attack speed will allow them to deal more damage and farm more efficiently in the late game.
  • Serylda’s Grudge: The ability haste granted by the item has been increased from 10 to 15. This buff makes Serylda’s Grudge more attractive to champions who benefit from ability haste, such as assassins and fighters who rely on their abilities to deal damage. The increased ability haste will allow them to use their abilities more frequently and deal more damage in a shorter time frame.
  • Riftmaker: The health regeneration from the passive ability has been increased from 5 to 8. This buff will make Riftmaker more appealing to champions who can utilize its healing potential, such as bruisers and tanks who engage in prolonged fights. The increased healing will help them stay alive longer and deal more damage over time.

Item Nerfs, Lol patch 14 9 buffs nerfs

These nerfs aim to reduce the power of these items and prevent them from becoming too dominant in the game.

  • Galeforce: The movement speed bonus from the active ability has been reduced from 40% to 30%. This nerf aims to reduce the mobility of champions who rely on Galeforce to initiate fights or escape danger. The reduced movement speed will make them more vulnerable to counter-engage and ganks.
  • Immortal Shieldbow: The shield strength has been reduced by 10%. This nerf aims to make Immortal Shieldbow less effective at protecting champions from burst damage. The reduced shield strength will make it easier for opponents to burst down champions who rely on this item for survivability.
  • Demonic Embrace: The bonus health from the passive ability has been reduced from 20% to 15%. This nerf aims to reduce the sustain of champions who rely on Demonic Embrace for health regeneration. The reduced health regeneration will make them more vulnerable to sustained damage and poke.

Impact on Gameplay

Patch 14.9 brings a wave of changes that are sure to shake up the League of Legends meta. With buffs and nerfs aimed at various champions and items, the game’s balance is poised for a shift, potentially creating new strategies and playstyles.

This patch could lead to a reshuffling of the tier list, with some champions rising to prominence while others fade into the background. The changes might also affect the dominance of specific strategies, such as team compositions or lane dynamics.

Impact on Champion Dominance

The buffs and nerfs in Patch 14.9 will likely affect the dominance of specific champions. Champions who receive significant buffs could rise to become more popular picks, while those who are nerfed might see their win rates and pick rates decline. For example, if a champion known for their early game aggression receives a buff to their base stats, they might become more formidable in the early stages of the game, potentially leading to a rise in their overall dominance.

Impact on Team Compositions

The changes to items and champions could influence the effectiveness of certain team compositions. If a particular item is buffed, it might become a core item for a specific champion or role, leading to the rise of team compositions that revolve around that item. Conversely, if a champion who is commonly used in a specific composition is nerfed, it might make that composition less viable. For instance, if a tank support champion is nerfed, teams might be less inclined to run a tank support composition, opting for a more aggressive or mobile support instead.

Emergence of New Strategies

Patch 14.9 might create opportunities for new strategies to emerge. For example, if a champion receives a buff that significantly enhances their ability to roam, it could open up new possibilities for mid-lane ganks and rotations, potentially leading to the development of new strategies focused on early game aggression and map control. Similarly, changes to items could also create new avenues for strategic play. If a new item is introduced that provides unique utility, it might encourage players to explore new builds and playstyles, leading to the emergence of previously unseen strategies.

Community Reactions

Lol patch 14 9 buffs nerfs
Patch 14.9 has sparked a range of reactions within the League of Legends community, with players expressing both excitement and frustration over the changes implemented. While some appreciate the focus on specific champions and items, others remain concerned about the potential impact on the game’s overall balance and meta.

Initial Reactions

The initial response to Patch 14.9 was generally positive, with many players welcoming the buffs to underperforming champions like Rell, Maokai, and Quinn. The community also expressed approval for the nerfs to champions like Bel’Veth, who had become a dominant force in the jungle.

Areas of Debate

Despite the overall positive sentiment, several areas of contention have emerged within the community. One key point of debate centers around the impact of the item changes, particularly the adjustments to Mythic items. Players are divided on whether the changes effectively address the power creep issues that have plagued the game in recent seasons.

Another source of controversy surrounds the nerf to Bel’Veth. While some players acknowledge the necessity of toning down her power, others argue that the nerfs were too harsh and may have significantly weakened her overall viability.

Long-Term Impact

The long-term impact of Patch 14.9 remains to be seen, but community feedback suggests that the patch could have a significant influence on the game’s meta. The buffs to underperforming champions could lead to their increased popularity and prevalence in the game. Conversely, the nerfs to champions like Bel’Veth could result in their diminished presence in competitive and casual play.

The item changes are also expected to have a lasting impact, potentially altering the build paths and strategies employed by players. The community’s reaction to these changes will ultimately determine their long-term effectiveness in addressing the power creep issue.

Future Outlook

Lol patch 14 9 buffs nerfs
Patch 14.9 marks a significant step in League of Legends’ ongoing balancing journey, but it’s just one chapter in a continuous narrative. The impact of these changes will be closely monitored, and subsequent patches will likely see further adjustments based on the data collected.

The future of League of Legends will be shaped by the ongoing pursuit of balance and the introduction of new content.

Potential for Further Balancing

The impact of Patch 14.9 on the meta will be closely observed, with particular attention paid to the effectiveness of the champion buffs and nerfs. Areas that might require further balancing in subsequent patches include:

  • Champion win rates and pick rates: Champions who receive significant buffs in Patch 14.9 will be monitored for potential over-performance. If their win rates and pick rates become excessively high, further adjustments might be necessary to bring them back in line with the rest of the roster.
  • Item synergy: New item interactions introduced in Patch 14.9 will be evaluated for unintended consequences. For example, if certain item combinations lead to overpowered builds, adjustments might be made to either the items or the champions who benefit from them.
  • Jungle balance: The jungle meta is constantly evolving, and Patch 14.9 introduced changes that could shift the power dynamics between different junglers. Further adjustments might be needed to ensure a healthy and diverse jungle ecosystem.

Development Team Priorities

The development team has consistently emphasized its commitment to fostering a diverse and engaging gameplay experience. This commitment will likely shape future patches, with a focus on:

  • Champion diversity: The goal is to ensure that a wide range of champions are viable and appealing to players, regardless of their playstyle or skill level. This involves addressing champions who are underperforming and ensuring that newer champions have a strong foundation for success.
  • Meta evolution: The team strives to create a meta that is dynamic and exciting, with regular shifts in strategies and champion popularity. This can involve introducing new items, champions, or game mechanics that shake up the established order.
  • Player feedback: The development team actively seeks feedback from the community and uses it to inform future decisions. This can include adjustments to champion balance, item changes, or even the introduction of new features.

Lol patch 14 9 buffs nerfs – As we dive into the intricacies of Patch 14.9, we’re left with a sense of anticipation for the evolving meta. With the balance of power shifting, the stage is set for a thrilling new era in League of Legends. Will we see the rise of unexpected champions, the dominance of new strategies, or a return to the old guard? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the journey ahead promises exciting gameplay and a renewed sense of strategy for all.

League of Legends Patch 14.9 brought some big changes, buffing some champions and nerfing others. If you’re looking for a new game to play while you wait for the next patch, check out some games like Stellar Blade , which might scratch that action-packed itch. But hey, don’t forget to keep an eye on the patch notes for LoL, you might just find your favorite champion got a buff!

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